Adult Volunteerism
Orlando Youth Alliance (and its affiliated groups) provides a safe space for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth and young adults.
Our activities are coordinated, facilitated, and staffed by committed volunteers. We are looking for creative types who can get our youth involved in the community. If you have ideas on new activities, adventures, and resources -- we want to hear from you!
If you are interested in volunteering, click here to get started!
In the Orlando area:
- Fundraising
- Group facilitators
- Organize events and activities for the youth members
- Social media & marketing
- Graphic design
- Counselors and psychologists who would like to be on our referral list
- Finance and bookkeeping
- Foster care referral resources
- Homeless youth referral resources
- Board member

Some of the activities that OYA makes available include:
- Weekly peer-support group meetings
- Gay Pride Parade
- Walt Disney World the first Saturday in June
- AIDs Walk Orlando
- Movie nights
- Bowling parties
- Theater involvement (We have produced plays at the Orlando Fringe Festival)
- Theme park trips
- Participating in community events
- AIDS Walk
- Sporting events
- Picnics
- Social events
Below are some of the educational opportunities for LGBTQ youth in which the Orlando Youth Alliance gets involved:
- Semi-annual HIV awareness
- Safe Schools Summit
- Pride Parade
- Health Fairs
- Public speaking to other groups
- Career exploration
- Parents & Friends of Lesbians and Gay (PFLAG)
- LGBT History & Culture classes